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Posted on lis 5, 2018 | 0 comments



Legend has it , that  two bro­thers , Kraków’s best buil­ders, were hired to build the towers of St. Mary’s Church.

At the beginning, con­struc­tion went on smoothly and the­ 2 brothers  both were working at the same pace.

Howe­ver, it soon appeared  that one  of the towers, became cle­ar­ly tal­ler than the other one.

Finally one of the 2 brothers completed his tower and crow­ned  it with a cupo­la.

At first he was very proud of himself  and his masterpiece but while observing the other tower he finally began to worry what happens when his brother manages to build more taller and more splendid tower

He couldn’t  stop thinking about such  a scenario and became more and more jealous with each day. It finally lead him to  the point when he decided to secretly  kill his brother. He did what he planned  but  with time he  started to have guilty conscience.

Therefore on the day when the church was to be consecrated, he climbed to  the top of his tower and  announced to the people of Krakow what a terrible crime he committed and that he couldn’t live with that anymore

After the confession he  pierced his heart with the very same knife he used to kill his brother and  he dropped dead from the top of his tower to the ground below.

The murderer’s kni­fe hangs in the entrance of the Cloth Hall in the Main Squ­are to this day to remind us of the­se tra­gic events.

There are at least 2 more legends with slightly different scenarios  but the outcome is still the same .

Now you know why the towers  of St. Mary’s Church are of different heights 🙂

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